Estadística General
Number of works 5,322
Number of groups of multimedia objects 11,608
Número de grupos de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 5,710
Number of multimedia objects 841,056
Número de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 812,370
Number of libraries with works 16
Number of locations with works 3
Number of provinces with works 7
Number of publishers 130
Tipo Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Music scores Illustrations and photographs Otros
Titles 3,623 3 1,042 64 11 578 1
Authors and collaborators 3,021 2 5 37 5 21 2
Subjetcs 1,369 3 230 62 7 120 3
Works by type of material
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Estadística por colección de imágenes y tipo
JPEG images JPEG images 5,798
PDF files PDF files 5,798
Audio MPEG/MP3 Audio MPEG/MP3 11
Image Image 1
Total 11,608
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Number of collections by library and type of material
Library Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Music scores Illustrations and photographs Otros Total
Documentation Centre and Textile Museum of Tarrasa 3 3
National Archaeological Museum 58 1 59
Cerralbo Museum 96 11 2 109
Museo Nacional de Antropología 50 1 51
National Museum of roman Art 13 13
National Museum of Decorative Arts 311 2 1 314
González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts 55 55
Museo Nacional de Escultura 99 99
National Museum of Romanticism 298 2 14 1 1 316
National Museum of Theatre 1,161 1,161
Sephardi Museum 235 25 260
Museo Sorolla 32 32
Museum of Altamira 6 6
Museum of America 516 1 5 522
El Greco Museum 1 1
Costume Museum 702 1,042 6 8 576 2,334
Multimedia objects by library
Library Number of groups of multimedia objects Number of multimedia objects
Holdings Documentation Centre and Textile Museum of Tarrasa 8 741
Holdings National Archaeological Museum 167 29,251
Holdings Cerralbo Museum 230 28,192
Holdings Museo Nacional de Antropología 120 17,366
Holdings National Museum of roman Art 33 6,973
Holdings National Museum of Decorative Arts 788 61,392
Holdings González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts 139 26,829
Holdings Museo Nacional de Escultura 240 40,228
Holdings National Museum of Romanticism 856 102,724
Holdings National Museum of Theatre 2,325 27,750
Holdings Sephardi Museum 548 79,074
Holdings Museo Sorolla 66 5,117
Holdings Museum of Altamira 14 1,919
Holdings Museum of America 1,252 214,112
Holdings El Greco Museum 2 404
Holdings Costume Museum 4,820 198,984
Total 11,608 841,056
Statistics by section and type of material
Section Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Music scores Illustrations and photographs Otros Total
Audiolibros 6 6
Dibujos y grabados 1,042 577 1,619
Documentos 1 1
Documentos manuscritos 16 16
Incunables 3 3
Legislación 8 8
Libro impreso 3,604 3 4 1 1 3,613
Manuscrito antiguo hasta s. XIX 40 40
Manuscrito moderno 1 1
Manuscritos 2 2
Música impresa 1 9 10
Música manuscrita 1 2 3
Range of dates of the works
Rango Fechas Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Music scores Illustrations and photographs Otros
Year of the oldest document 0000 1779 1805 0u u 1833 1786 0964
Year of the most modern document 2004 1858 1917 1984 191? 1930 0964