Sioux indian painting

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Books Printed book Sioux indian painting (1938)    

Section: Printed book

Title: Sioux indian painting / with introduction and notes by Hartley Burr Alexander

Publication: Nice : C. Szwedzicki, 1938

Physical description: 2 v. ; 51 cm

Notes: Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2011

Condiciones de acceso y uso: La copia digital se distribuye bajo licencia "Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)": -

Contents: Vol. I : Paintings of the Sioux and other tribes of the Great Plains (13 p., [25] h. de lám.) -- Vol. II : The art of Amos Bad Heart Buffalo ([25] h. de lám.)

Materia / lugar / evento: Dakotas

Hierarchical place name: Francia - Niza

Type of publication: Books Books


Museum of America
Signature: Z 51_02 — Notes: Sólo volumen II, falto de port.

     Enc. pasta, deteriorada

Parte I
Parte II
Parte I - PDF
Parte II - PDF