Estadística General
Number of works 1,441
Number of groups of multimedia objects 3,448
Número de grupos de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 1,728
Number of multimedia objects 476,134
Número de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 471,484
Number of libraries with works 64
Number of locations with works 21
Number of provinces with works 22
Number of publishers 213
Tipo Books Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Maps Music scores Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas
Titles 1,118 4 21 47 1 30 220
Authors and collaborators 1,309 4 16 63 1 46 49
Subjetcs 571 3 27 48 2 14 154
Works by type of material
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Estadística por colección de imágenes y tipo
PDF files 1,860
JPEG images 1,498
Image 87
Audio MPEG/MP3 3
Total 3,448
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Number of collections by library and type of material
Library Books Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Maps Music scores Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas Total
Municipal Archive of Murcia 3 3
Archive of the Cathedral of Leon 1 1
Ateneo Barcelonés 1 1
State Public Library in Badajoz 32 32
State Public Library in Cáceres 26 26
State Public Library in Cádiz 12 12
State Public Library in Gijón 90 90
State Public Library in Guadalajara 95 95
State Public Library in León 5 5
State Public Library in Mahón 38 1 39
State Public Library in Palma de Mallorca 2 1 3
State Public Library in Soria 2 2
State Public Library in Tarragona 1 1
BPE en Teruel 9 9
State Public Library in Zaragoza 10 10
Central Military Library (Madrid) 2 2
Digital Library of Navarre 2 2
Regional Library of Murcia 28 2 30
Valencian Digital Library (BIVALDI) 12 2 14
Biblioteca de Aragón 10 10
Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 28 28
Library of Castilla-La Mancha / State Public Library in Toledo 5 7 12
Library of La Rioja 5 5
Map Library of the Army Geographic Centre 3 3
Documentation Centre and Textile Museum of Tarrasa 17 17
Agrifood Research and Technology Center of Aragon 16 16
Foundation for Art, Science and Dialogue (ARDICIA) 7 7
Iluro Foundation 1 1
Sancho el Sabio Foundation 16 1 17
Sierra Pambley Foundation 1 1
Cardenal Cisneros Secondary School (Madrid) 199 30 13 66 308
Cervantes Secondary School 43 43
El Greco Secondary School 21 21
Isabel la Católica Secondary School (Madrid) 1 9 25 35
San Isidro Secondary School (Madrid) 110 110 220
La Rioja Studies Institute 2 2
National Archaeological Museum 3 3
Archaeological Museum of Asturias 5 5
Cerralbo Museum 9 9
Museo Nacional de Antropología 50 1 51
National Museum of Decorative Arts 7 7
González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts 5 5
National Museum of Romanticism 3 3
Naval Museum 7 7
Museum of America 5 5
Costume Museum 9 8 17
Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 16 16
Royal Academy of History 5 5
Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (RIDEA) 1 1
Royal Spanish Naval Observatory 2 2
Registro de la Propiedad intelectual 2 2
Autonomuos University of Barcelona 7 7
Jaime I University 9 9
Polytechnics University of Catalonia 2 2
Polytechnics University of Madrid 22 22
University of Barcelona 21 1 22
University of Cádiz 37 37
University of Granada 3 3
University of Huelva 37 37
University of La Laguna 4 4
University of Lleida 3 3
University of Oviedo 4 5 9
University of Seville 2 2
Universidad de Valencia 42 42
Multimedia objects by library
Library Number of groups of multimedia objects Number of multimedia objects
Holdings Municipal Archive of Murcia 3 3
Holdings Archive of the Cathedral of Leon 2 621
Holdings Ateneo Barcelonés 2 309
Holdings State Public Library in Badajoz 94 1,890
Holdings State Public Library in Cáceres 62 11,960
Holdings State Public Library in Cádiz 32 6,324
Holdings State Public Library in Gijón 284 94,063
Holdings State Public Library in Guadalajara 286 28,142
Holdings State Public Library in León 10 1,735
Holdings State Public Library in Mahón 104 29,489
Holdings State Public Library in Palma de Mallorca 6 600
Holdings State Public Library in Soria 4 1,142
Holdings State Public Library in Tarragona 2 28
Holdings BPE en Teruel 22 3,775
Holdings State Public Library in Zaragoza 22 3,010
Holdings Central Military Library (Madrid) 4 557
Holdings Digital Library of Navarre 4 202
Holdings Regional Library of Murcia 64 4,355
Holdings Valencian Digital Library (BIVALDI) 28 2,252
Holdings Biblioteca de Aragón 20 3,341
Holdings Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 62 10,343
Holdings Library of Castilla-La Mancha / State Public Library in Toledo 28 3,963
Holdings Library of La Rioja 10 586
Holdings Map Library of the Army Geographic Centre 6 9
Holdings Documentation Centre and Textile Museum of Tarrasa 50 8,007
Holdings Agrifood Research and Technology Center of Aragon 23 254
Holdings Foundation for Art, Science and Dialogue (ARDICIA) 14 1,183
Holdings Iluro Foundation 2 538
Holdings Sancho el Sabio Foundation 34 4,921
Holdings Sierra Pambley Foundation 12 1,806
Holdings Cardenal Cisneros Secondary School (Madrid) 708 60,137
Holdings Cervantes Secondary School 154 40,353
Holdings El Greco Secondary School 42 201
Holdings Isabel la Católica Secondary School (Madrid) 70 338
Holdings San Isidro Secondary School (Madrid) 454 46,108
Holdings La Rioja Studies Institute 4 130
Holdings National Archaeological Museum 10 2,221
Holdings Archaeological Museum of Asturias 10 146
Holdings Cerralbo Museum 26 3,575
Holdings Museo Nacional de Antropología 120 17,366
Holdings National Museum of Decorative Arts 18 1,031
Holdings González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts 12 2,897
Holdings National Museum of Romanticism 13 709
Holdings Naval Museum 14 1,130
Holdings Museum of America 10 1,580
Holdings Costume Museum 34 2,582
Holdings Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 34 3,836
Holdings Royal Academy of History 10 10
Holdings Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (RIDEA) 2 33
Holdings Royal Spanish Naval Observatory 4 555
Holdings Registro de la Propiedad intelectual 4 773
Holdings Autonomuos University of Barcelona 18 4,529
Holdings Jaime I University 13 937
Holdings Polytechnics University of Catalonia 2 2
Holdings Polytechnics University of Madrid 48 9,199
Holdings University of Barcelona 25 456
Holdings University of Cádiz 94 24,357
Holdings University of Granada 6 665
Holdings University of Huelva 49 496
Holdings University of La Laguna 8 177
Holdings University of Lleida 4 57
Holdings University of Oviedo 26 3,352
Holdings University of Seville 4 148
Holdings Universidad de Valencia 102 20,640
Total 3,448 476,134
Statistics by section and type of material
Section Books Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Maps Music scores Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas Total
Audiolibros 1 1
Cartas naúticas 1 1
Dibujos y grabados 30 66 96
Legislación 13 13
Libro impreso 1,102 4 1 1,107
Manuscrito antiguo hasta s. XIX 2 19 21
Manuscrito moderno 2 2
Mapas 44 44
Música manuscrita 1 1
Placas de vidrio 154 154
Planos 1 1
Range of dates of the works
Rango Fechas Books Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Maps Music scores Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas
Year of the oldest document 1502 1886 1501 1588 0901 1840 1850
Year of the most modern document 1961 1934 1915 1958 1000 1935 1960