A Narrative of the campaign of the British Army in Spain,...

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Liburuak Liburu inprimatua A Narrative of the campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by John Moore (1809) - Moore, James Carrick, 17631834    

Sail: Liburu inprimatua

Izenburua: A Narrative of the campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by John Moore / authenticated by official papers and original letters, by James Moore.

Argitalpena: London : [s.n.], 1809

Publicación, Producción, Distribución, etc.: Fabricación: Joseph Johnson

Deskribapen fisikoa: XII, 324 p., [2] h. pleg. de map., [2] h. de grab. ; 29 cm

Oharrak: Cartoné

Argitalpen mota: Liburuak Liburuak

Otros temas relacionados: Fuentes Guerra de la Independencia, 1808-1814 Historia Guerra de la Independencia, 1808-1814 España


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