A Plan Exhibiting the Remains of the antient City of...

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Mapak Planos A Plan Exhibiting the Remains of the antient City of Dunwich, A.D. 1587 : Also its River Part whereof is Southwold... (5 th. Feby. 1753) - Kirby, Joshua    

Sail: Planos

Izenburua: A Plan Exhibiting the Remains of the antient City of Dunwich, A.D. 1587 : Also its River Part whereof is Southwold Haven, with Places of Note Bordering thereon [Mapa] / Josa. Kirby delint. ; J. Wood sculp

Datu-area: Escala indeterminada

Argitalpena: [United Kingdom] : Publish'd by Thos. Gadner, 5 th. Feby. 1753

Deskribapen fisikoa: 1 map. ; 53 x 71 cm


CDU: 912:[314(084.3)]:911.375:742]+726:744.4]+551.48(420)(282.242)"1587"
420 Dunwich
420 Suffolk, condado
282.242 Dunwich

Argitalpen mota: Mapak Mapak


Ontzi Museoa
Signatura: MN 138-13

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