Estadística General
Number of works 43
Number of groups of multimedia objects 94
Número de grupos de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 49
Number of multimedia objects 19,262
Número de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 19,217
Number of libraries with works 25
Number of locations with works 9
Number of provinces with works 10
Number of publishers 19
Tipo Books Manuscripts Music scores
Titles 37 5 1
Authors and collaborators 71 3 1
Subjetcs 25 1 2
Works by type of material
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Estadística por colección de imágenes y tipo
PDF files 46
JPEG images 45
Audio MPEG/MP3 1
Documento ePub 1
Documento Mobipocket 1
Total 94
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Number of collections by library and type of material
Library Books Manuscripts Music scores Total
Archive of the Cathedral of Leon 1 1
State Public Library in Cáceres 1 1
State Public Library in Cádiz 1 1
State Public Library in Palma de Mallorca 1 4 5
State Public Library in Zaragoza 2 2
Central Military Library (Madrid) 3 3
Valencian Digital Library (BIVALDI) 1 1
Library of Castilla-La Mancha / State Public Library in Toledo 3 3
Library of Catalonia 1 1
Agrifood Research and Technology Center of Aragon 1 1
Cerralbo Museum 1 1
National Museum of Romanticism 1 1
National Museum of Theatre 1 1
Sephardi Museum 1 1
Museum of Altamira 1 1
Museum of America 1 1
Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 1 1
Royal Academy of History 2 2
Royal Spanish Naval Observatory 4 4
Complutense University of Madrid 1 1
Polytechnics University of Madrid 1 1
University of Cádiz 3 3
University of Oviedo 3 3
Universitty of Santiago de Compostela 1 1
University of Seville 2 2
Multimedia objects by library
Library Number of groups of multimedia objects Number of multimedia objects
Holdings Archive of the Cathedral of Leon 2 621
Holdings State Public Library in Cáceres 2 302
Holdings State Public Library in Cádiz 4 3,628
Holdings State Public Library in Palma de Mallorca 10 1,802
Holdings State Public Library in Zaragoza 4 1,234
Holdings Central Military Library (Madrid) 6 1,400
Holdings Valencian Digital Library (BIVALDI) 4 335
Holdings Library of Castilla-La Mancha / State Public Library in Toledo 6 485
Holdings Library of Catalonia 2 367
Holdings Agrifood Research and Technology Center of Aragon 2 157
Holdings Cerralbo Museum 2 468
Holdings National Museum of Romanticism 4 1,212
Holdings National Museum of Theatre 2 33
Holdings Sephardi Museum 2 2
Holdings Museum of Altamira 4 252
Holdings Museum of America 2 749
Holdings Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 2 47
Holdings Royal Academy of History 4 732
Holdings Royal Spanish Naval Observatory 8 1,506
Holdings Complutense University of Madrid 2 722
Holdings Polytechnics University of Madrid 2 310
Holdings University of Cádiz 6 1,212
Holdings University of Oviedo 6 562
Holdings Universitty of Santiago de Compostela 2 2
Holdings University of Seville 4 1,122
Total 94 19,262
Statistics by section and type of material
Section Books Manuscripts Music scores Total
Audiolibros 1 1
Documentos manuscritos 1 1
Incunables 7 7
Libro impreso 29 29
Manuscrito antiguo hasta s. XIX 4 4
Música manuscrita 1 1
Range of dates of the works
Rango Fechas Books Manuscripts Music scores
Year of the oldest document 1480 1301 0901
Year of the most modern document 2004 1904 1000