Diary of travels in France and Spain, chiefly in the year...

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Books Printed book Diary of travels in France and Spain, chiefly in the year 1844 (1845.) - Trench, Francis, 1805-1886    

Section: Printed book

Title: Diary of travels in France and Spain, chiefly in the year 1844 / by the Rev. Francis Trench.

Publication: London : Richard Bentley, 1845.

Physical description: 2 v. [XIII,(1),324 p.,(2)h. de grab. ; VIII,324 p.,(2)h. de grab.] : il. ; 12o. (20 cm)

Notes: Sign.: Vol.I: []8, B-O12, P6
Vol. II: []4, B-O12, P6
Describe San Sebastián, Hernani, Tolosa, Azpeitia, Pamplona, Fuenterrabía y Roncesvalles

Type of publication: Books Books

Otros temas relacionados: Descripción y viajes S. XIX Euskadi


Sancho el Sabio Foundation

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