Holkot, Robertus, d. 1349

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MARCXML Linked Open Data / EDM 5.2.8

Holkot, Robertus, d. 1349

Linked Open DataVirtual International Authority File
Library of Congress Linked Data Service
data.bnf.fr (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
International Standard Name Identifier
Formas alternativas del nombreHolcot, Robert, d. 1349
Holkot, Robertus, , O.P., ?-1349
Holkot, Robert (O.P.), (?-1349
Holkot, Robert
Fuentes consultadas1. His Exploring the boundaries of reason, c1983 t.p. (Robert Holcot, OP) Can CIP (Holkot, Robertus, d. 1349)