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Pertenece a: Delineations of the most remarkable...
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Museo del Traje
Traje masculino - España - S. XIX
Trajes populares - España - S. XIX
Uniformes militares - España - S. XIX
Corridas de toros - España - S. XIX
Gitanos - Traje - España - S. XIX
Indumentaria taurina - España - S. XIX
Traje femenino - España - S. XIX
Trajes populares - Andalucía - S. XIX
Trajes populares - Hombre - España - S. XIX
Arrieros - Traje - Málaga - S. XIX
Artillería - Uniformes - España - S. XIX
Boleros (Baile) - España - S. XIX
Campesinos - Traje - Murcia - S. XIX
Contrabando - España - S. XIX
Extremeños - Traje - Hombre - S. XIX
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Pertenece a
Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards
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En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 3
Bull Fight . Matador
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 11
Bull Fight . Picador
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 12
Capitan General
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 7
A Carter of Murcia = Carretero de Murcia
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 21
A country man of Aragon = Paisano aragonés
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 15
A country woman of old Castille = Paysana de Castilla la Vieja
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 14
Court drefs
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 5
Deputy of the Cortes = Diputado de cortes
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 6
Dragoons = Dragones
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 8
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 4
A Farmer's wife of Murcia = Labradora de Murcia
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 22
A gardner of Valencia = Jardinero de Valencia
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 13
Gipsy man = Gitano
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 23
Gipsy woman = Gitana
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 24
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 10
Horse artillery = artillería ligera
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 9
A maid of Salamanca = Criada de Salamanca
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 38
A man of Andaluzia = majo andaluz
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 1
A man of Estremadura = Extremeño
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 25
A man of Gallice = Gallego
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 35
A man of Mayorca = Paysano de Mayorca
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 39
A man of Navara = Navares
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 31
A man of the New Castille = Paisano de Castilla la Nueva
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 29
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 27
A Muleteer of Malaga = Arriero de Málaga
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 19
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 28
A sailor of Catalogna = Marinero catalán
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 33
A Shepherd of Leon = Pastor de León
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 40
A Smuggler = Contrabandista
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 17
A woman of Andaluzia = maja andaluza
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 2
Woman of Aragon = Aragonesa
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 16
A woman of Asturias = Asturiana
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 37
A woman of Catalogna = Catalana
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 34
A woman of Estremadura = Extremeña
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 26
A woman of Gallice = Gallega
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 36
A Woman of Granada = Granadina
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 20
A woman of Mountains = Serrana
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 18
A woman of Navara = Navaresa
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 32
A woman of Yvissa = Paisana de Ybiza
En: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards. - London : Henry Stokes, 1823. - Lám. 30
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