Estadística General
Number of works 1,999
Number of groups of multimedia objects 4,220
Número de grupos de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 1,989
Number of multimedia objects 81,727
Número de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 78,776
Number of libraries with works 25
Number of locations with works 10
Number of provinces with works 15
Number of publishers 15
Tipo Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas
Titles 240 1 1,043 4 709 2
Authors and collaborators 246 1 6 3 41 1
Subjetcs 215 1 232 5 180 9
Works by type of material
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Estadística por colección de imágenes y tipo
PDF files 2,111
JPEG images 2,105
Image 4
Total 4,220
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Number of collections by library and type of material
Library Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas Total
Municipal Archive of Murcia 1 1
State Public Library in Mahón 1 1
Regional Library of Murcia 1 20 21
Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 1 1
Library of Castilla-La Mancha / State Public Library in Toledo 1 1
Documentation Centre and Textile Museum of Tarrasa 72 1 73
Zaragoza Provincial Council 2 2
Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 3 3
Sancho el Sabio Foundation 3 1 4
Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 96 2 98
Institute of Spanish Cultural Heritage / Picture Library 12 12
Archaeological Museum of Asturias 1 1
National Museum of Decorative Arts 23 1 24
National Museum of Romanticism 2 2
Museum of America 1 1
Costume Museum 128 1,042 2 574 1,746
Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 1 1
Royal Spanish Naval Observatory 1 1
Autonomuos University of Barcelona 1 1
Polytechnics University of Madrid 1 1
University of Lleida 1 1
University of Navarra 3 3
Universitty of Santiago de Compostela 1 1
Universidad de Valencia 1 1
University of Zaragoza 1 1
Multimedia objects by library
Library Number of groups of multimedia objects Number of multimedia objects
Holdings Municipal Archive of Murcia 1 1
Holdings State Public Library in Mahón 2 17
Holdings Regional Library of Murcia 42 43
Holdings Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 2 11
Holdings Library of Castilla-La Mancha / State Public Library in Toledo 2 42
Holdings Documentation Centre and Textile Museum of Tarrasa 268 37,365
Holdings Zaragoza Provincial Council 4 22
Holdings Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 6 17
Holdings Sancho el Sabio Foundation 8 449
Holdings Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 196 196
Holdings Institute of Spanish Cultural Heritage / Picture Library 24 24
Holdings Archaeological Museum of Asturias 2 43
Holdings National Museum of Decorative Arts 76 3,306
Holdings National Museum of Romanticism 6 1,192
Holdings Museum of America 6 386
Holdings Costume Museum 3,552 36,588
Holdings Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 2 158
Holdings Royal Spanish Naval Observatory 2 412
Holdings Autonomuos University of Barcelona 2 370
Holdings Polytechnics University of Madrid 2 526
Holdings University of Lleida 4 130
Holdings University of Navarra 6 6
Holdings Universitty of Santiago de Compostela 2 351
Holdings Universidad de Valencia 2 71
Holdings University of Zaragoza 1 1
Total 4,220 81,727
Statistics by section and type of material
Section Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas Total
Carteles 1 1
Clichés 2 2
Dibujos y grabados 1,042 594 1,636
Fotografías en papel 68 68
Legislación 4 4
Libro impreso 236 1 1 238
Manuscrito antiguo hasta s. XIX 4 4
Negativos 12 12
Postales 34 34
Range of dates of the works
Rango Fechas Books Newspapers and magazines Artículos y Capítulos Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas
Year of the oldest document 1527 1874 1780 1771 1777 1960
Year of the most modern document 861 1891 1917 1877 2005 1966