Leintenant General Colin Campbell This's Lau representing...

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Maps Maps Leintenant General Colin Campbell This's Lau representing the siege and defence of Tarifa (1812) - Hodges, Edmund    

Section: Maps

Title: Leintenant General Colin Campbell This's Lau representing the siege and defence of Tarifa / is by permission humbly inscribed by his excellencys most obedient servant Edmund Hedges Leint. Royal Artillery ; D. Wright, sculpt

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:2.500]. 1.000 feet [= 12,4 cm]

Publication: London : published for the author by W. Faden Geographer to his Majesty and to his Royal Higharss the Prince Charing Cross, 1812

Physical description: 1 plano en dos h. : montado sobre tela ; 39,9 x 107,7 cm ó menos en h. de 47,6 x 61,5 cm ó men os

Notes: Orientado con lis en rosa de 8 vientos
Relieve representado por sombreado
Relación de los principales conventos, baterias, torres y casamatas indicada por clave alfabética
Nota relativa a que "El Sitio comenzó el 11 de diciembre de 1811 y terminó el 4 de enero de 1812"

Materia / lugar / evento: Tarifa (Cádiz)
Las Palomas (Cádiz)

Otros autores: Wright, D., fl. 1812

UDC: 912:355.4]:[355.44:623.3:623.2:551.42](468.18 Tarifa+468.18 Tarifa, isla)'1811/1812'
912:314(468.18 Tarifa)'1811/1812'(084.3)
(468.18 Tarifa, isla)
(468.18 Las Palomas, isla)

Type of publication: Maps Maps


Map Library of the Army Geographic Centre
Colección: SG — Signature: Ar.G-T.9-C.3-899

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