Sketch of the action near the vigia de la Barrosa March...

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Maps Maps Sketch of the action near the vigia de la Barrosa March Sth 1811 (1812-1819)    

Section: Maps

Title: Sketch of the action near the vigia de la Barrosa March Sth 1811 / by the Quarter Master General's Dept

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:16.400]. 2.000 yards [= 11,1 cm]

Publication: [London? : s.n., 1812-1819]

Physical description: 1 plano : montado sobre tela ; 37,4 x 56 cm

Notes: Relieve representado por sombreado
Tabla de signos convencionales para indicar la posición y movimientos de los ejércitos

UDC: (460.355 Chiclana de la Frontera)

Type of publication: Maps Maps


Map Library of the Army Geographic Centre
Colección: SG — Signature: Ar.G-T.8-C.4-740 ; SG+Ar.G-T.8-C.4-740 bis

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