A Map of the King's Roads

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Mapas Mapas A Map of the King's Roads (Jany. 4 th. 1746) - Willdey, Thomas, m. 1748    

Sección: Mapas

Título: A Map of the King's Roads [Mapa] / Made by his Excellency General Wade in the Highlands of Scotland from Sterling to Inverness, with the adjacent Countries &c.

Área de datos: Escla [ca. 1:300000]

Publicación: London : Publish'd according to Act of Parliamt...By Wildey in Ludgate Street & S. Austen in Newgate Street, Jany. 4 th. 1746

Descrición física: 1 map. ; 46 x 38 cm

Apuntamentos: Dedicatoria : "To his Excelency Henry Hamsen Esqr. Licent. General and Commander in Chief of his Majesties Forces in Scotland & c. This Plate is humbly Dedicated by his Most humble Servt. Thos. Willdey"
Escala gráfica de 16 millas [= 8,6 cm]
Orografía de perfil
Señala la división administrativa en condados de Escocia
Título y dedicatoria enmarcados en cartelas barrocas

CDU: 912:625.7(411-35-191.2)"1746"

Tipo de publicación: Mapas Mapas


Museo Naval
Colección: MN — Sinatura: 131-5

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