Estadística General
Number of works 84,061
Number of groups of multimedia objects 168,128
Número de grupos de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 2,312
Number of multimedia objects 194,835
Número de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 2,865
Number of libraries with works 10
Number of locations with works 5
Number of provinces with works 7
Number of publishers 3
Tipo Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas
Titles 53,975 30,086
Authors and collaborators 1,822 74
Subjetcs 2,470 168
Works by type of material
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Estadística por colección de imágenes y tipo
PDF files 84,065
JPEG images 84,060
Image 3
Total 168,128
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Number of collections by library and type of material
Library Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas Total
Public State Library of Pontevedra 2,043 2,043
Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 1,622 1,622
Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) 924 924
Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 848 848
Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 37,910 29,974 67,884
Isabel la Católica Secondary School (Madrid) 24 24
San Isidro Secondary School (Madrid) 89 89
Institute of Spanish Cultural Heritage / Picture Library 8,360 8,360
Jaime I University 92 92
University of Navarra 2,176 2,176
Multimedia objects by library
Library Number of groups of multimedia objects Number of multimedia objects
Holdings Public State Library of Pontevedra 4,086 4,862
Holdings Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 3,244 23,749
Holdings Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) 1,848 2,783
Holdings Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 1,696 4,247
Holdings Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 135,768 135,937
Holdings Isabel la Católica Secondary School (Madrid) 48 278
Holdings San Isidro Secondary School (Madrid) 180 1,243
Holdings Institute of Spanish Cultural Heritage / Picture Library 16,720 16,875
Holdings Jaime I University 184 501
Holdings University of Navarra 4,354 4,360
Total 168,128 194,835
Multimedia objects by library
Statistics by section and type of material
Section Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas Total
Archivos personales 12 12
Cartas naúticas 1 1
Carteles 18 18
Clichés 3 12,633 12,636
Diapositivas 8,027 8,027
Dibujos y grabados 167 167
Documentos 4 4
Ephemera, varios 14 14
Estereogramas 676 1,749 2,425
Fotografías en papel 35,836 1 35,837
Libro impreso 2 2
Mapas 5 5
Negativos 8,552 597 9,149
Placas de vidrio 7,079 7,079
Planos 1 1
Postales 8,183 8,183
Tarjetas postales 501 501
Range of dates of the works
Rango Fechas Illustrations and photographs Vídeos y Diapositivas
Year of the oldest document 00uu 02/0
Year of the most modern document 976 1960