Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the...

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Liburuak Liburu inprimatua Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms,... (1823)     Objektu digitalak Objetos digitales - PDF - Se abrirá una ventana nueva

Sail: Liburu inprimatua

Izenburua: Delineations of the most remarkable costumes of the different provinces of Spain and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances &c. of the Spaniards

Argitalpen mota: Liburuak Liburuak

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Traje Museoa — Bilduma: Museo del Traje. CIPE — Kokagunea: Depósito — Signatura: FA-1545 — Nº de registro: 31633 — Código de barras: 1042566 — Oharrak: Bueno

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