Bowles's New four-sheet Map of Englands and Wales,...

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Mapak Mapak Bowles's New four-sheet Map of Englands and Wales, Comprehending all Cities, Boroughs, Market and Sea Port Towns,... (1794)    

Sail: Mapak

Izenburua: Bowles's New four-sheet Map of Englands and Wales, Comprehending all Cities, Boroughs, Market and Sea Port Towns, Villages, Lakes, Rivers, Forest, Ruins and Principal Seats of the Nobility, with the Roads, described by Daniel Paterson The Distance of each Place of Note from the Metropolis, and a great variety of another useful Modern Improvements : To which is added The South Part of Scotland, and East of Ireland, with the Maritime Provinces of France, from Dunkirk of Grest, and Inland Country to Paris [Mapa]

Argitaraldi: Corr. 1794

Datu-area: Escala [ca. 1:660000]

Argitalpena: London : Printed for the Propietors Bowles & Carver, No. 69 St. Pauls Church Yard, Publish'd as the Act directs, 1794

Deskribapen fisikoa: 1 map. en 4 h. : col. ; 129 x 101 cm, en h. de 68 x 54 cm


Otros autores: Bowles and Carver

CDU: 912:527.6:(1-35)(420)(429)(411-13)(416-11)(417-13)(44-16)"1794"

Argitalpen mota: Mapak Mapak


Ontzi Museoa
Signatura: MN 133-21(1-4)

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