A translation of the memoirs of Eradut Khan, a nobleman...

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Liburuak Liburu inprimatua A translation of the memoirs of Eradut Khan, a nobleman of Hindostan containing interesting anecdotes of the Emperor... (1786) - Iradat Khan    

Sail: Liburu inprimatua

Izenburua: A translation of the memoirs of Eradut Khan, a nobleman of Hindostan containing interesting anecdotes of the Emperor Aulumgeer Aurungzebe and of his successors Shaw Aulum and Jehaundar Shaw in which are displayed the causes of the very precipitate decline of the Mogul Empire in India / by Jonathan Scott ..

Autorea: Iradat Khan

Argitalpena: London : Printed for John Stockdale ..., 1786

Deskribapen fisikoa: XII, 96 p. ; Fol.

Oharrak: Referencias: COPAC
Sign.: A4, a2, B-N4

Tokiaren izen hierarkikoa: Gran Bretaña - Londres

CDU: 929 Iradat, Kahn

Argitalpen mota: Liburuak Liburuak

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