A Compleat and Exact Map of the Lothians : Containing the...

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Mapak Mapak A Compleat and Exact Map of the Lothians : Containing the Shires of Edinburgh, Handdington and Linlithgow ; with a... (Novr. 1745) - Adair, John, 1660-ca. 1718    

Sail: Mapak

Izenburua: A Compleat and Exact Map of the Lothians : Containing the Shires of Edinburgh, Handdington and Linlithgow ; with a View of the Country from Stirlingshire to Berwickshire : In wich is mark'd out the different Marches of the Rebels & their Encanmpmts. in these Countries : Being the fullest & most particular of any Map yet Extant [Mapa] / Surveye'd by Mr. Adair with some Improvents. by a Gentlman ; T. Kitchin Sculp. 1745

Datu-area: Escala [ca. 1:1350000]

Argitalpena: London : Printed for A. Millar opposite Katherine Street in the Strand..., according to Act of parliamt., Novr. 1745

Deskribapen fisikoa: 1 map. : col. ; 42 x 65 cm


CDU: 912:355.71(411-37)"1745"
411 Lothian, Región

Argitalpen mota: Mapak Mapak


Ontzi Museoa
Bilduma: MN — Signatura: 131-3

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