The book of the life of the ancient Mexicans : containing...

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Liburuak Liburu inprimatua The book of the life of the ancient Mexicans : containing an account of their rites and superstitions ... (1903)    

Sail: Liburu inprimatua

Izenburu hautatua: Codex Magliabechiano

Izenburua: The book of the life of the ancient Mexicans : containing an account of their rites and superstitions ... / reproduced in facsimile with introduction, translation, and commentary by Zelia Nuttall

Argitalpena: Berkeley : University of California, 1903

Deskribapen fisikoa: XIX, 92 p. ; 18 x 26 cm

Oharrak: Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2011

Condiciones de acceso y uso: La copia digital se distribuye bajo licencia "Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)": -

Tokiaren izen hierarkikoa: Estados Unidos - Berkeley

Argitalpen mota: Liburuak Liburuak


Amerika Museoa
Signatura: 091(72) MAG — Oharrak: An. ms. en cub.: "Codice Magliabecchiano (sólo láminas e incompletas), edición Zelia Nutall, Berkeley 1903" y "31328, 31327, 42435 y 42434" Falto de port., XIX p., de p. 1 a 3, p. 10, p. 18 a 27 y p. 76

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