A map of the Province of New York : Reduced from the...

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Mapak Mapak A map of the Province of New York : Reduced from the large Drawing of that Province ; Compiled from Actual Surveys... (1776) - Sauthier, Claude Joseph, 1736-1802    

Sail: Mapak

Izenburua: A map of the Province of New York : Reduced from the large Drawing of that Province ; Compiled from Actual Surveys... / by Claude Joseph Sauthier ; to which is added New Jersey, from thetopograpphical observations of C. J, Sauthier & B. Ratzen

Datu-area: Escala [ca. 1:1100000], 60 english statute miles [= 9,4 cm]

Argitalpena: London : W. Faden, 1776

Deskribapen fisikoa: 1 mapa : col. ; 71 x 57 cm

Oharrak: Coordenadas referidas al meridiano de Nueva York con mención de situación con respecto a Greenwich
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CDU: 747

Argitalpen mota: Mapak Mapak


Ontzi Museoa
Bilduma: MN — Signatura: 159-11

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