The Art of Manual Defence or system of boxing...

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Manuscritos Manuscrito antiguo hasta s. XIX The Art of Manual Defence or system of boxing perspicuously explained in a series of lessons and illustrated by plates (18--) - Pupil of Mendoza and Humphreys, fl. 1789    

Sección: Manuscrito antiguo hasta s. XIX

Título: The Art of Manual Defence or system of boxing perspicuously explained in a series of lessons and illustrated by plates [Manuscrito] / by a pupil both of Humphreys and Mendoza

Publicación: [18--]

Descripción física: [5], 29 h. : il. ; 16 x 11 cm


Materia / lugar / evento: Boxeo

Tipo de publicación: Manuscritos Manuscritos


Universidad de Oviedo
Signatura: M-27

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