A map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with part of...

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Maps Maps A map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with part of Agra and Delhi : Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from... (Jany. 1st. 1786) - Rennell, James    

Section: Maps

Title: A map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with part of Agra and Delhi [Material cartográfico] : Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea / By James Rennell, F.R.S. late surveyor Genl. in Bengal

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:1550000] (E 77°20'--E 93°15'/N 29°55'--N 20°30')

Publication: London : Printed for Wm. Faden, Geogr. to the king, Charing Cross, Jany. 1st. 1786

Physical description: 1 map. en 2 h. : col. ; 71 x 106 cm. en h. de 74 x 56 cm


Género / forma: Mapas físicos

Hierarchical place name: India

UDC: 912:(1-5)(54-18)"1786"

Type of publication: Maps Maps

Otros temas relacionados: S. XVIII Mapas India nororiental Bangladesh Ganges (Río)


Naval Museum
Signature: MN 159-14

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