Le petit journal. Supplément illustré

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Newspapers and magazines Printed book Le petit journal. Supplément illustré (1905)    

Section: Printed book

Title: Le petit journal. Supplément illustré [Texto impreso]

Publication: Paris : Le Petit Journal, 1905

Physical description: 8 p. ; 43 cm

Notes: Suplemento de 'Le Petit journal' dedicado a 'Don Quijote de la Mancha', la obra de Miguel de Cervantes

Registros relacionados: En: Le petit journal.. - Semanal. - num. 757, 21 mayo 1905

Type of publication: Newspapers and magazines Newspapers and magazines


Cenvantines Studies Center
Signature: 4 — Nº de registro: 5 — Código de barras: 1111110020389

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