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Books Incunables Quadragesimale (27 abril 1495.) - Gritsch, Johannes O.F.M, ca. 1420-ca. 1470    

Section: Incunables

Title: Quadragesimale / Johannes Gritsch.

Publication: Lugduni : Johannes Trechsel, 27 abril, 1495.

Physical description: 1 v. ; 4o.

Notes: Referencias: H.C.8080, Pol.1756, BMC.VIII,297, IGI.4500, IBE.2741.
Referencias: Cantó-Huarte, 282.
Referencias: ISTC, ig00507000.

Hierarchical place name: Francia - Lyon

Type of publication: Books Books


Complutense University of Madrid
Signature: 290 — Nº de registro: 291 — Código de barras: 1111110022246

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