Guzmán de Alfarache. Latín. Vitae Humanae proscenium in...

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Books Printed book Guzmán de Alfarache. Latín. Vitae Humanae proscenium in quo sub persona Gusmani Alfaracii virtutes & vita ... - Alemán, Mateo, 1547-1615    

Section: Printed book

Title: Guzmán de Alfarache. Latín. Vitae Humanae proscenium in quo sub persona Gusmani Alfaracii virtutes & vita ...

Publication: Colonia : [s.n.]

Physical description: 418 p.

Type of publication: Books Books


University of Seville
Signature: 561 — Nº de registro: 562 — Código de barras: 1111110003832

Digital copy