Bulla Innocentii XIII super agregatione benefitiorum...

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Books Printed book Bulla Innocentii XIII super agregatione benefitiorum Seminario D. Fulgentii (s.a.) - Iglesia Católica. Papa (1721-1724: Inocencio XIII    

Section: Printed book

Title: Bulla Innocentii XIII super agregatione benefitiorum Seminario D. Fulgentii

Publication: [S.l. : s.n., s.a.]

Physical description: 18, [1], [1] p. en bl. ; Fol.

Notes: Fecha de Aprobacion en Murcia, 1771
Sign.: A-E2

Materia / lugar / evento: Bulas pontificias

Type of publication: Books Books


Municipal Archive of Murcia
Signature: 1-J-7(2)

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