The Citadel of Plymouth

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Maps Maps The Citadel of Plymouth (Publish'd July 25th. 1737) - Mace, Sandford, fl. S.XVIII    

Section: Maps

Title: The Citadel of Plymouth [Mapa] / S. Mace Del. ; Cha. Mosley sculp

Área de datos: Escala indeterminada

Publication: [United Kingdom] : s.n., Publish'd July 25th. 1737

Physical description: 1 map. ; 45 x 71 cm


UDC: 912:742(084.3)]:623.6:623.1+551.46(420:26.04)"1737"
420:26.04 Plymouth

Type of publication: Maps Maps


Naval Museum
Signature: MN 138-10

Digital copy