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Fuentes consultadas1. Institutionu̿ siue Elementorum D. Iustiniani Sacratissimi principis libri quatuor, 1544
2. Mercier, J. Remarques du droit francois, sur les Instituts de l'empereur Iustinien ..., 1672.
3. New encycl. Britannica v. 5, p. 645 (Institutiones is one of 4 books of the Corpus juris civilis, Justinian's great legal compilation; Institutiones compiled and published in 533 under Tribonian's supervision; was an elementary textbook for first-year law students)
4. NUC pre-1956 Corpus juris civilis. Institutiones; commonest t.p. appellations in Latin among many: Institutiones, Institutiones iuris civilis, Imperatoris Justiniani Institutiones; in English: Institutes of Justinian
5. Wikipedia, May 13, 2008 Corpus Juris Civilis ("Body of Civil Law") is the modern name for a collection of fundamental works in jurisprudence, issued from 529 to 534 by order of Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor; distributed in three parts: Digesta (or "Pandectae"), Institutiones, and the Codex Constitutionum; a fourth part, the Novels (or "Novellae Constitutiones"), was added later; students' textbook called the Institutiones or "Elements"; as there were four elements, the manual consists of four books. The Institutiones are largely based on the Institutiones of Gaius. Two thirds of the Institutiones of Justinian consists of literal quotes from Gaius. The new Institutiones were used as a manual for jurists in training since 21 Nov. 533 and were given the authority of law on 30 Dec. 533 along with the Digest