Colour-matching on textiles : a manual intended for the...

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Liburuak Liburu inprimatua Colour-matching on textiles : a manual intended for the use of dyers, calico printers and textile colour chemists (1901) - Paterson, David    

Sail: Liburu inprimatua

Izenburua: Colour-matching on textiles : a manual intended for the use of dyers, calico printers and textile colour chemists / by David Paterson

Argitalpena: London : Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1901

Deskribapen fisikoa: XIV, 128, 24 p.. [4] p. de mostres : il. ; 22 cm

CDU: 667.2

Argitalpen mota: Liburuak Liburuak

Otros temas relacionados: Manuals de laboratori Tints i tenyit Indústria tèxtil Colorimetría


Kataluniako Unibertsitate Politeknikoa
Signatura: 1 — Nº de registro: 2 — Código de barras: 1111110013435

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