Bowles's New Pocket Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New...

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Maps Maps Bowles's New Pocket Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England, comprehending the Provinces of Massachusets Bay... (17--?)    

Section: Maps

Title: Bowles's New Pocket Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England, comprehending the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, Divided into their Counties Townships, etc. : together with an Accurate Plan of the Town, Harbour and Environs of Boston

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:850000], 6 english marine leagues [= 4'5 cm]

Publication: London : Carrington Bowles, [17--?]

Physical description: 1 mapa : col. ; 64 x 52 cm

Notes: Escala gráfica de "20 english miles" [= 4 cm]. Coordenadas referidas al meridiano de ferro (O 56º30'-O 51º30'/N 44º30'-N 40º30') y al meridiano de Londres. Red geográfica de 30' en 30'. Orientado con lis en cuadrante y círculo
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Indica las divisiones administrativas en color verde, rojo, amarillo y azul
Inserta: Plan of Boston with its Harbour and Environs.- Escala [ca. 1:70000], 2 miles [= 4'8 cm]

Otros autores: Bowles, Carrington

UDC: 912:325.2/.4(73-18)"17"

Type of publication: Maps Maps


Naval Museum
Colección: MN — Signature: 4-C-4

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