Colton's Greece and the Ionian Republic

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Maps Maps Colton's Greece and the Ionian Republic (1872) - Colton, George Woolworth, 1827-1901     Digital objects Objetos digitales - PDF - Se abrirá una ventana nueva

Section: Maps

Title: Colton's Greece and the Ionian Republic / [drawn by George Woolworth Colton]

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:1.851.850], 40 miles [= 4 cm] (E 20º--E 26º /N 40º--N 36º)

Publication: New York : published by G.W. and C.B. Colton & Co., n 172 William St., [1872]

Physical description: 1 mapa : col. ; 36 x 44 cm

Notes: Indica meridianos de origen: Washington y Greenwich ; Márgenes graduados.
Indica divisiones administrativas marcadas por colores.
Inserta nota: "Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. in the Clerk's office of the district court for the southern district of New York".

Hierarchical place name: Grecia Icono con lupa

Other authors: G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. Icono con lupa

UDC: 912:911.2(495-2/-5)'1872'

Type of publication: Maps Maps

Derechos: CC BY. Esta licencia permite utilizar las obras siempre que se mencione la fuente de procedencia:

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Map Library of the General Military Archive of Madrid — Colección: SH — Signature: AT-24/89

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