The Course od Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester...

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Mapas Mapas The Course od Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester : with the Several Forts and Stackadoes raised by the... (Jany. 1 st. 1785)    

Sección: Mapas

Título: The Course od Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester : with the Several Forts and Stackadoes raised by the Americans, and the Attacks made By His Majesty's Land and Sea Forces

Edición: 2d. Edition

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:33200]

Publicación: London : Printed for Wm. Faden, Geographer to the King, Charing Cross, Jany. 1 st. 1785

Descripción física: 1 mapa ; 44 x 68 cm


CDU: 74:282.27 Delaware

Tipo de publicación: Mapas Mapas


Museo Naval
Colección: MN — Signatura: 142-62

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