Estadística General
Number of works 118
Number of groups of multimedia objects 246
Número de grupos de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 110
Number of multimedia objects 13,431
Número de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 13,294
Number of libraries with works 23
Number of locations with works 11
Number of provinces with works 11
Number of publishers 30
Tipo Books Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs
Titles 94 1 23
Authors and collaborators 105 1 4
Subjetcs 38 22
Works by type of material
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Estadística por colección de imágenes y tipo
JPEG images 123
PDF files 123
Total 246
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Number of collections by library and type of material
Library Books Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs Total
Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) 3 3
State Public Library in Cádiz 6 6
State Public Library in Gijón 2 2
State Public Library in León 2 2
State Public Library in Mahón 2 2
Public State Library of Pontevedra 1 1
Central Military Library (Madrid) 1 1
Valencian Digital Library (BIVALDI) 1 1
Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 5 5
Foundation for Art, Science and Dialogue (ARDICIA) 1 1
Sancho el Sabio Foundation 1 1
Sierra Pambley Foundation 1 1
San Pablo-CEU College Foundation 5 5
Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 4 4
Institute of Spanish Cultural Heritage / Picture Library 8 8
Archaeological Museum of Asturias 1 1
National Museum of Romanticism 1 1
Costume Museum 3 3
Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 48 48
Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (RIDEA) 2 2
University of La Laguna 12 12
University of Navarra 10 10
University of Seville 1 1
Multimedia objects by library
Library Number of groups of multimedia objects Number of multimedia objects
Holdings Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) 6 406
Holdings State Public Library in Cádiz 12 150
Holdings State Public Library in Gijón 4 406
Holdings State Public Library in León 4 252
Holdings State Public Library in Mahón 4 66
Holdings Public State Library of Pontevedra 2 3
Holdings Central Military Library (Madrid) 2 206
Holdings Valencian Digital Library (BIVALDI) 2 81
Holdings Biblioteca de Asturias / BPE en Oviedo 10 1,278
Holdings Foundation for Art, Science and Dialogue (ARDICIA) 2 225
Holdings Sancho el Sabio Foundation 2 96
Holdings Sierra Pambley Foundation 2 75
Holdings San Pablo-CEU College Foundation 10 361
Holdings Foundation for Ethnography and Development of Canarian Crafts (FEDAC)/Cabildo of Gran Canaria 8 8
Holdings Institute of Spanish Cultural Heritage / Picture Library 16 16
Holdings Archaeological Museum of Asturias 2 9
Holdings National Museum of Romanticism 2 38
Holdings Costume Museum 6 112
Holdings Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation 100 9,128
Holdings Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (RIDEA) 4 295
Holdings University of La Laguna 24 170
Holdings University of Navarra 20 20
Holdings University of Seville 2 30
Total 246 13,431
Statistics by section and type of material
Section Books Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs Total
Fotografías en papel 12 12
Legislación 2 2
Libro impreso 92 92
Manuscrito antiguo hasta s. XIX 1 1
Negativos 8 8
Postales 3 3
Range of dates of the works
Rango Fechas Books Manuscripts Illustrations and photographs
Year of the oldest document 1719 1837 1853
Year of the most modern document 1979 1837 1936